The best Blue Light Blocking Glasses

Dr. Byron Lam

Byron L. Lam MD is the Robert Z. and Nancy J. Green Professor at the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. Dr. Lam is a clinical scientist with expertise and translational research experience in the areas of neuro-ophthalmology, hereditary retinal disease, and ophthalmic epidemiology. In addition to clinical studies, his research focus includes clinical visual function testing, ophthalmic and molecular imaging, biomarkers, and gene therapy. Dr. Lam has participated in numerous clinical trials in neuro-ophthalmology and hereditary retinal disease. Dr. Lam serves on the Editorial Board of the American Journal of Ophthalmology and Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology. He is the author of the textbook Electrophysiology of Vision: Clinical Testing and Applications.